If you have watched me on the Pagan Perspective, you are probably aware that one of my goals for this year I have set the goal to get back to making videos. You may also have heard that I got a new job in addition to being a part owner at my store. 2019 had been a crazy stressful year for me. 2020 has started out, and while still only being in the first month, it is getting to be considerably better than where I was this time last year.   With my new job, as of August I am working full time as a manager at a storage facility I do have some luxury of time to read and at times also being able to make videos. I will be using this time to knock out some of my reading list. I am slowly ramping up these efforts so I will not become overwhelmed with the amount of items on my to-do list. I ask that you all be patient as I start up these projects.  I am one of those people that like to constantly have projects going on with many irons in the fire. Where I fail is when I execute the plans for those projects. You can see examples of this with the many series that I have started and stopped over the course of this blog. I hope to change this in the future and once again ask for your patience as I attempt to stay on track.  One of the projects that I am going to strive to accomplish is to make at least one video each week. This will go hand in hand with another goal of reading through Christopher Penczak’s bibliography. Since there is a large number of books in this bibliography,Continue Reading