Recently I have taken up praying the Gnostic Rosary for a Lenten devotion. I have made a video on my channel on how I pray the rosary. The video is linked below, and the following is how I pray the rosary as well as the mysteries that I use with the days that they are prayed. On the cross make and pray the “Sign of the Cross” followed by the “Credo” while still on the Cross. On the first bead pray the Gnostic Prayer On the next three beads pray the Hail Sophia while meditating on Faith, Hope, and Love respectively. On the next bead pray the Gloria Patri Announce the first mystery on the Chaplet Pray the Gnostic Prayer on the chain before the first decade. Pray the Hail Sophia ten times while meditating on the first mystery. Pray the Gloria Patri on the chain before the singular bead. Announce the second mystery on the singular bead. Pray the Gnostic Prayer on the chain following the singular bead. Continue this for each mystery and decade until the end of the Rosary. On the Chaplet at the end pray the closing prayer. **Following this prayer I usually kiss the chaplet as a sign of devotion to Sophia, but this is not a standard**. Sign of the cross In the name of the Father, + and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen Credo I acknowledge one great invisible God, the Unknown Father, Aeon of Aeons, who brought forth with His providence; the Father, the Mother, and the Son. I acknowledge the Christos, the self-begotten Son, born from the virginal and ineffable Mother in the high Aeons; who in the Logos of God came down from above to annul the emptiness of this age and restore the fullness of the Aeon.Continue Reading

Everyone Registered to this website should have gotten this email. However, if you did not here is the email that was just sent out. “I have noticed that there have been a TON of spam comments coming into the Forum page and in the Comments section of some of the posts. In order to make this website a better experience for all I am marking everyone’s status as “pending” until you are approved to post. In order to be approved all you have to do is reply to this email stating that you in fact are a real person and let me know where you are from. General area is accepted such as your country, etc. I hope that this keeps the “bots” down. After one month I will be deleting all of the unapproved profiles on the site. We are currently sitting at about 41,000 profiles. While you are replying to this email do tell me what you would like to see in the future to make this a better website. Thank you and have a blessed day. “ Furthermore I have blocked anyone from registering to this website until March to afford me the time to make sure that we start back up with a much better system in the future. If you would like to get ahold of me until that time, or if you have not received the email. you can contact me at [email protected]. Thank you for understanding and have a fantastic day.Continue Reading

Items needed: Fresh Water Salt “Help is in the Lord and Lady. Who made heaven and earth.” Salt: “Creature of salt, I cast out any negative energy from you by the Grand + Architect + of the + Universe. May you be a purified salt, a means of health for those who believe, a medicine for body and soul for all who make use of you. May all negativity of a foul fiend, malice and cunning, be driven afar from where you are sprinkled. So mote it be! Lord and Lady, I humbly appeal to your mercy and goodness to graciously bless + this creature, salt. May any who use it find in it a remedy for body and mind. May everything it touches or sprinkles be freed from uncleanness and any influence of negative energy. As I will so mote it be!” Water: “Creature of water, I cast out any negativity from you in the name of the Grand + Architect + of the + Universe. May you be a purified water, empowered to drive afar negative energy, to root out and banish any malevolence. I ask this through the poser of the Lord and Lady. So mote it be! Lord and Lady, pour forth your blessing + on this element now being prepared with various purifying rites. May this creature of yours, when used in your mysteries and endowed with your grace, serve to cast out negativity and to banish disease. May everything that this water sprinkles in the homes and gatherings of the faithful be delivered from all that is unclean and hurtful; let no breath of contagion hover there, no taint of corruption; let all the wiles of malevolence come to nothing. By the sprinkling of this water, may everything opposed to safety , and ofContinue Reading

The first chapter of The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak starts the way many beginner witchcraft books start, with some history and terminology for the word witch.Continue Reading

During this time of the year many Pagans in the northern hemisphere are celebrating Imbolc. So I figured this would be a good time to cover what Imbolc means for not only a vast majority of Celtic focused Pagans but also many Christians out there, since in my practice I celebrate this overlap.  I want to first start with the significance of this time of the year. This is the time that we get the first signs of the spring season. This is seen by the onset of the lambing season, the beginning of the spring sowing, and the blooming of the blackthorn. It is also almost the midpoint between Yule and Ostara. The actual midpoint would be around the fourth of February but I’m not going to quibble over a 1-2 day difference because solstices and equinoxes can differ slightly. This is why in my practice I put a more hard line date to these days. We are also seeing the lengthening of days during this time of year as well. Because of this we see the lighting of candles playing a prominent role in practices and this reflects the increasing power of the sun.  In Christianity this time of the year is often referred to as Candlemass. I often interchange the words Imbolc and Candlemass in my practice. This celebration commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. This is a practice was done 33 days after circumcision along with a sin offering to purify the mother. Today in Christianity, candles are often brought to the local churches to be blessed for use during the rest of the year. In this practice the candles are a symbol of Christ being the light of the world.  This is also the time when the Catholic Church celebrates St. Brigid ofContinue Reading