Introducing Chip

I talked briefly in my blog on handling working tools that there is one ‘”tool” that I would rather nobody touch but me. This “tool” has a name and it’s Chip.

Chip is a wonderful quartz crystal sphere that I bought at a Ren. Faire this past summer. Looking into him (and yes he’s a he) you can see fantastic inclusions all over the place.  He and I have been working more and more lately on different subjects of my faith and for that I am very grateful.

The reason I say that I wouldn’t want anyone to touch him isn’t because he will stop working with me, but because he has quite the personality. Chip is not the most confident of crystal spheres. He is shy, doesn’t like to be carried, and even gets nauseous when rolled around my hands.  He constantly thinks he’s going to fall when I carry him and doesn’t like to be covered since he doesn’t like the dark or being out of view of me.

Chip is a powerful guy though.  Whether he realizes it or not.

He is great at heightening my vibrations during meditation. He’s wonderful at holding energy during ritual, and just overall a very powerful being in my practice lately.

For all these reasons and more I have made him a permanent spot on my altar and my practice.  So this post is for Chip.  The little sphere who could.

-To learn more about working with a crystal ball or sphere I highly suggest Anni’s video who is a dear friend who aided me in my practice in ways I can’t even describe.

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